Michele Sasmor, MD FACS
Dr. Sasmor has been in the Newburyport area and Anna Jaques Hospital community for over twenty years. Because she enjoys working with children, woman and men of all ages, Dr. Sasmor has maintained both the reconstructive and cosmetic aspects of her practice. How Dr. Sasmor “arrived” is a rather circuitous route through many aspects of the health care system.
Aesthetic (Cosmetic Surgery) and Reconstructive Surgery of the face, neck, eyelids, breast, abdomen, and extremities. Wound care, skin care and laser surgery.
Board Certification
American Board of Plastic Surgery – 1994
Society Memberships
American Medical Association
American Medical Women’s Association
Association of Women Surgeons
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons
New England Society of Plastic Surgeons
Massachusetts Society of Plastic Surgeons
University of Denver 1970-1972
University of Utah 1977-1980
University of Utah School of Nursing 1980-1983
University of Utah Medical School 1984-1988
New Hampshire
Dr. Michele Sasmor was born in Oakridge, TN, however, she grew up in the southwest. Albuquerque was home until she graduated from high school.
A passion for the mountains and for skiing drew her to Denver, Colorado where she promptly became an active member of the National Ski Patrol and spent many great, if not frozen hours at Loveland Ski Area. In the meantime, she was able to complete two years of undergraduate work at the University of Denver before moving on to the RN, BSN program a the University of Colorado. She worked with a wide variety of surgical patients at the University of Colorado Medical Center.
Tempted to pursue new knowledge, as well as even better skiing, Dr. Sasmor then moved to Salt Lake City, Utah to pursue a master’s degree in health education. Through this program she became acquainted with many “holistic” modalities in which she still maintains an interest.
Once her master’s degree in health education was complete, it just seemed natural to progress into a master’s degree in nursing (family nurse practitioner). To support this educational habit, Dr. Sasmor worked as a nurse in the surgical ICU at the University of Utah. This was great training in anatomy/physiology and caring for critically ill or traumatized patients. Most exciting, she was able to be a part of the team of doctors and nurses who cared for Dr. Barney Clark, recipient of the first implantable artificial heart.
During that time, Dr. Sasmor also worked as a GYN nurse practitioner at a free-standing women’s health center. She focused on care of the adolescent and on working with infertility patients.
After about two years the educational “itch” hit again, this time the goal was medical school. To allow for a flexible schedule to finish a few prerequisite courses, Dr. Sasmor took a position as a flight nurse/emergency room nurse at the University of Utah Medical Center. She continued in this position into and through medical school. She flew in helicopters and fixed wing planes throughout the southwest transporting critically ill and injured patients to the University Hospital. In addition to being an exciting job, travel afforded Dr. Sasmor the chance to meet and work with health professionals from a variety of settings from small rural hospitals to gigantic teaching institutions. Each trip was an education in and of itself.
A desire to experience another part of the country lead Dr. Sasmor to a surgery residency at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Hanover, New Hampshire. It was here that she met two dynamic plastic surgeons who introduced her to the many facets of plastic surgery from reconstructive to cosmetic, from infants to children to the elderly. This seemed an arena big enough to keep her interested for years.
Although, still a south westerner at heart, Dr. Sasmor has found a comfortable niche in a community that she loves. The fabric of all of her past experiences has woven itself into a multi-faceted community practice of plastic surgery.
In her “spare time”, Dr. Sasmor still has a passion for skiing, going west and to Europe yearly as well as skiing at local Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont areas. She bicycles, wind surfs, kayaks, collects art and loves escaping into a good book or into just about any movie.